How can I block hits from certain ISPs or hosts?

Domain/Host filtering is a Premium feature. If you do not yet have a Premium account but would like to use this feature, you'll need to upgrade your account.

To use this feature:

  • Go to your Account Options page, which you'll find under the Options menu on your main stats page
  • Enter the host names/domains which you would like to block in the input box
  • Each name should be on a line by itself. Click return or enter after each name to ensure that you are typing each name on a new line
  • Each name should be a valid host name. A host name is something like: or
  • Please note that is not a valid host name. http://, https:// and ftp:// will all be stripped from your host names
  • Please note that is also not a valid host name There should be nothing after the TLD (ie. com, .net., .org etc) Anything after a slash "/" will be stripped from a host name (as well as the slash itself)
  • Click the submit button
  • When the page reappears, make sure that all of your host names are correct

At this point, all hits from these hosts will be blocked. To unblock the hits, just delete the entries which you'd like to unblock and resubmit the page.